Asynchronous circuit design

Asynchronous circuits are a promising technology for low-power, high-performance, low-emission and highly modular digital circuits.

My research in this area has been first oriented at studying specification, synthesis and testing of asynchronous control circuits using a bounded delay model. This research (performed mainly together with Kurt Keutzer, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Narendra Shenoy, Alex Yakovlev) is described in detail in: L. Lavagno and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. Algorithms for synthesis and testing of asynchronous circuits. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993.

Most of the algorithms described there have been implemented in the sequential logic synthesis system SIS, developed at U.C. Berkeley and described in E. M. Sentovich, K. J. Singh, L. Lavagno, C. Moon, R. Murgai, A. Saldanha, H. Savoj, P. R. Stephan, R. K. Brayton, and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. SIS: A system for sequential circuit synthesis. Technical Report UCB/ERL M92/41, U.C. Berkeley, May 1992.

After that, I started working on design of Speed-Independent asynchronous circuits, that is assuming unbounded gate delays. The results of this research, that has been carried out with a numerous team including Jordi Cortadella, Mike Kishinevsky, Alex Kondratyev, Alexander Taubin, Alex Yakovlev and others, are described in several publications, such as:

  • J. Cortadella, M. Kishinevsky, A. Kondratyev, L. Lavagno, and A. Yakovlev A region-based theory for state assignment in asynchronous circuits. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, 16(8):793–812, August 1997.
  • J. Cortadella, M. Kishinevsky, L. Lavagno, and A. Yakovlev. Deriving petri nets from finite transition systems. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 47(8):859–882, August 1998.
  • J. Cortadella, M. Kishinevsky, A. Kondratyev, L. Lavagno, E. Pastor, and A. Yakovlev. Decomposition and technology mapping of speed-independent circuits using boolean relations. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, 18(9), September 1999.
  • A. Kondratyev, J. Cortadella, M. Kishinevsky, L. Lavagno, and A. Yakovlev. Logic decomposition of speed-independent circuits. Proceedings of the IEEE, 87(2), February 1999.

The algorithms described in these papers have been implemented in Petrify, that is a very advanced logic synthesis tool for asynchronous control circuits. The tool and its documentation can be found at its WEB site at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. Check it out!!

In 2002 the Petrify team made it to the finals for the Descartes Award for European Cooperation in Research. It was a very exciting time indeed, since for the first time our work was recognized beyond specialized circles.

The most recent work is about transforming a synthesized synchronous circuit, with any mix of flip-flops, latches and combinational logic, into an asynchronous circuit by de-synchronization. The technique is the cheapest and simplest known way to obtain an asynchronous design by deviating as little as possible from the standard synchronous flow.

Elastix Inc. has been founded to develop de-synchronization into a commercially usable tool flow. Unfortunately, although very interesting, this line of research was ultimately not commercially viable.

A good list of other references on asynchronous circuits can be found at the WEB site of the asynchronous group of the University of Manchester.